Get Crafty!
Need help bringing your printable template to life? Here are our favorite supplies to complete your design!
We like to suggest products that can be helpful to you. We may receive a small commission for purchases made through these affiliate links.
Basic 28 lb paper good for our printable games.
Smooth, 110 lb cardstock for high quality, printable invitations, 8x10 signs etc.
High quality, thick paper that make photos and faux glitter backgrounds pop.
This specialty paper is good for our printable Newspaper designs.
Cut your printables precisely with an X-acto knife.
Protect your table top while you trim your paper precisely.
Fast way to attached double sided printable projects.
Create round corners on our wedding fan programs.
1.5” inch cirlce punch for creating eos lip balm favor cards.
Your helpers will need their own scissors.
If you don’t have a printer or need to upgrade this is a solid choice.