12 Best Baby Shower Games
Baby Showers are all fun and games
Every successful baby shower has lots of fun games to get all your friends and family interacting and having a great time. Printable games are an easy way to have fun. You can download a printable template and print as many games as you need for your shower. If you have a computer or are having a virtual baby shower, you can play a powerpoint game similar to Jeopardy. We’ve put together our favorite games to get you inspired to plan a fun baby shower. Share your favorite games down below in the comments.
Shop printable, virtual and interactive baby shower games
Printable Bingo Games
Have your guests mark off the gifts as the Mom-to-be opens them. Use a pen or candy to mark the squares. Who ever get's 5 in a row wins! This is a great game because it gives your guests something fun to do while the Mom is opening all her wonderful gifts.
Virtual Baby Shower Jeoparody
This is the best customizable JeoParody style powerpoint template game on the internet. It has the theme song, sound effects, updated graphics, smooth animation, and Final JeoParody. It is sure to be the hit of your baby shower!
Printable Price is Right Games
Have your guests make guesses to what they think the price is for the items listed. You can have these prices set before the shower.
Did Baby Poopie Game
Who doesn’t love the poop emoji? Hand out the scratch off lottery tickets to each guest at your baby shower. Ask each guest to scratch off the silver circle with a coin. Whoever reveals a poop emoji wins! Give out a prize to the winner.
Printable Who Knows Mommy Best Game
Get to know mommy a little better with this fun printable game! :)
Baby Shower Answer Battle
This powerpoint game is sure to be a big hit at your party shower. It has 10 rounds like: What Might A Parent Do To Entertain A New Baby Girl? What Are The Top 5 Items Parents Keep In The Diaper Bag? Name A BrandOf Diapers. What About Their Pre-baby Lives Do Parents Miss Most? Name a Lullaby, etc.
Don’t Say “Baby” Game
Have all your baby shower guests wear a clothes pin. If anyone says “baby” you snatch their clothes pin. Whoever has the most clothes pins wins a prize! Print out this sign and put out a basket of clothes pins for your guests.
My water broke! game
Before the baby shower, place the babies in the ice trays to freeze. When your guests arrive, place a “frozen baby cube” in each guests drink. When your baby completely melts, yell “my water broke!” This game includes 60 babies, 3 ice cube trays and 1 instructional game sign.
Guess the baby due date
When will the baby arrive?! This is a fun game to see who can guess the correct due date. Easy to download, edit and print this cute calendar. Give out a prize to whoever comes closest to the correct date.
Guess the sweet mess game
Can you guess the candy bar poop? Melt each candy bar in a microwave safe dish and place “the mess” in one of the provided diapers. Label each diaper with the 5 stickers provided. Have your baby shower guests guess which candy bar is which on the game cards provided. Give out a prize to the winner!
Books for baby
Stock the baby's library with wonderful children's books - filled with notes of love from all the guests! Mom and baby will treasure these books for many years. Mail the books for baby card with your baby shower invitation. Shop popular baby books.
Baby Shower Favors & Prize Ideas
Baby shower soap favors
These unique mini soaps are all natural – infused with sea salt & peppermint – they will surely make your guests feel pampered – this is one favor they will be fighting over! Clear bags are provided for you to put your favors together - with each set you order you will receive 15 soaps, 15 mini bags and 15 personalized labels.
Honey Baby Shower Favor Jars
Honey Jars make the perfect baby shower favors for a "mommy to bee" or just bee theme shower! An unique baby favor idea guests will love - Each high quality 2 oz. honey jar comes personalized with your personal message.
Baby Shower Lip balm favor
Custom lip balm containers come complete with custom lip balm labels. All natural & perfect for a spa baby shower – infused with organic oils and shea butter – they will surely make your guests feel pampered – this is one favor they will be fighting over! Clear Lip Balm Containers are available in a choice of 3 flavor/color options. Also included are CLEAR custom lip balm labels with your personalized text.
We like to suggest other products that can be helpful. Recommended items contain affiliate links. We may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links.
Baby Shower Favors